All training events require pre-registration online. Payment may be made by card online via PayPal (if you want to pay by card, please select the PayPal option), check, or cash. Check/cash customers please note that your registration is not valid until we receive payment. Refunds/Credits: Credit is issued only if you cancel by the registration deadline. Refunds are only issued if the Partnership cancels the event.
This American Heart Association training for Child Care Providers meets the NC DCDEE requirements for Pediatric First Aid which includes both infant, child, and adult CPR/First Aid/AED. This course will include visual, video, and hands on skill tests. Manikins are provided for each participant. The class will last approximately two- and one-half hours. The minimum class size is 5 participants and the maximum is 15 participants. The cost includes the fee for the American Heart Association card for each participant who successfully completes the course. Cards will be emailed to each participant’s using the address entered during registration.
Presented by: Gerard Person
Location: DSS Conference Room, 102 Camp Dr. Pittsboro, Drive to the left of the building and down the hill to the conference room entrance.
Registration Deadline: Monday February 20, at 5pm
COVID-19 Protocol for in person training PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH
Before Arrival:
Upon Arrival:
During and After Training Participants are asked to:
If you have any questions, please contact Pam at 919-542-7449 ext. 117 or