Smart Start Funded Programs
Improving child care is an important part of the Smart Start mission. In Chatham County, 75% of parents of young children work full time outside the home. The Chatham County Partnership for Children works to improve the quality of child care; to make child care more available; and to make child care more affordable.
Improving the QUALITY of Child Care
To improve the quality of our child care facilities, we:
- help child care programs enhance the quality of their work
- help teachers learn more about teaching young children
- help child care facilities become safer and better equipped for learning
- help reduce turnover of child care teachers to provide stability for our children.
Making Child Care AVAILABLE – Child Care Resource and Referral
We know we do not have enough child care facilities for all the families who need it and are working to make more available.
Making Child Care AFFORDABLE
For many families, the greatest obstacle to getting quality child care is money. Child care can cost as much as $1500 a month. At least 30% of our county’s Smart Start allocation goes to subsidizing child care for families that need it.
Based on a family’s income, this cost can be 30% or more of their gross family income. Our goal is to help working families so that they do not have to pay more than 10% of their income for child care. This way they will have enough of their income to buy food and medicine and cover other living expenses.
Quality Subsidy Family Services – Chatham County Department of Social Services – Jennifer Yancey 919-542-2759
Provides child care subsidies for families who qualify on the basis of income and need. Family counselors assist families with finding and choosing child care.
Family Support Programs
Helping Fathers be their Best
Focus on Fathers – Chatham County Public Health Department. This program gives fathers the opportunity to increase their knowledge of parenting, child development, and children’s health issues, while assisting fathers in attaining their employment and educational goals. Program participants take part in discussion groups, workshops, home visits and regularly scheduled family outings.
Engaging Families in Early Literacy
Raising a Reader – This program helps families who have children in child care learn how to better support early literacy in their family. Raising a Reader provides children with a new bag of books to take home and read with their families each week. Materials are provided to parents on how to support their child’s reading and child care educators are given training on supporting early literacy in the classroom.