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Title: Healthy Holidays
When: Tuesday October 18th, 6:00-7:30
Where: Mixed zoom and in-person, Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center 1192 U.S. 64 West Business Suite 400, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Max number of participants:15 people
Description- Join us as we explore different recipes and ideas that can be used in holiday parties instead of our classic go-to snacks and desserts for young children. We will start off the session with Larua Hearn a Registered Dietitian with the Chatham County Public Health Department by going over helpful information about childhood nutrition. We will then transition into creating healthier-themed foods for your next kids’ holiday event with Tara Gregory a Registered Dietitian with the NC Cooperative Extension. In-person participants will have a chance to try the different recipes and virtual participants will still be able to observe and verbally engage in the session.
If you have any questions, please contact Pam at 919-542-7449 ext. 117 or