Supporting teachers to promote healthy social-emotional development and reduce the expulsion rate among young children in licensed child care centers across North Carolina.

In 2005, the Healthy Social Behaviors Project (HSB) was created to address behavioral problems in young children. The project provides services that aid in identifying, preventing, and modifying challenging behaviors. The goal is to reduce the expulsion rate and foster healthy social-emotional growth in all children enrolled in licensed childcare centers in North Carolina.
HSB supports North Carolina DCDEE-licensed child care centers serving children ages 0 to 5 years old, including NC Pre-K Classrooms, Early Head Start and Head Start Programs, Developmental Day Programs, and GS 110-106 centers, focusing on teacher practices that can calm challenging behaviors.

The HSB team focuses on providing teachers with the information and support they need to hone their knowledge of:
- Offering Directions
- Making Positive Choices
- Using Problem-Solving Strategies
- Group Participation
- Positive Sense of Self
- Taking Turns & Sharing
- Self-Control
- Respecting Family Culture
- Managing and Expressing Emotions

Healthy Social Behavior Specialists provide on-site consultation for challenging behaviors and social-emotional development in preschool-aged classrooms based on the CSEFEL Pyramid Model. Only available to licensed child care centers.